The name of this organization shall be the Network of African Women with Disabilities (NAWWD).
- Headquarters:
- The Headquarters of the organisation shall be in Masvingo at a place that will be agreed upon by the executive committee
- Vision
- An African continent where empowered women with disabilities are included and participate equally in the household, the workplace and society
- Mission
- The mission of the Network of African Women with Disabilities is to ensure that African women with disabilities are empowered to exercise their rights and positively influence their life situation
4(i) by promoting inclusion,
(ii) Mainstreaming and equal participation of women with disabilities in socio-economic, political and cultural spheres.
- Purpose:
We have joined together as an African Network of organisations of Women with Disabilities to;
- Be able to speak with one voice,
- To learn from each other to be able to articulate issues of Women with Disabilities on the continent in a Comprehensive manner.
- (1) Objectives:
- To empower each other through common interests as Women with Disabilities.
- Advocating and lobbying for inclusive and fair policies, legislation and programmes for all women and girls with disabilities in Africa;
- Advocating for and support of the elimination of all forms of discrimination, inequalities and violence against women and girls with disabilities;
- Educate, promote and develop an awareness, understanding and commitment around the continent about the situation of women and girls with disabilities and need for change to this situation
- Providing and suggesting frameworks to the relevant authorities and stakeholders to tackle the challenges created by situations of women and girls with disabilities.
- Train and develop a representative and effective leadership of women with disabilities
- To promote and campaign for the right of women with disabilities to have access to affordable high quality services especially to education, health care, social services, infrastructure and governance .
- Promoting a positive lifestyle among women with disabilities; including on the issue of HIV and AIDS and other diseases.
- Recognising and providing special awareness and education to women and girls with disabilities especially with regards to the Issues to do with diseases affecting women and girls such as HIV and AIDS and Cervical, Breast cancer etc.
- (2) The Network of African Women with Disabilities is founded on the following Principles and values.
- Importance of women with disabilities in leadership and participation
- Non – discrimination
- Mutual accountability of members which drives performance, excellence and impact the results
- Teamwork, open communication, trust and support to each other
- Empowerment of members b through education , association and to make and act on decisions in a manner that reflects and respects the Mission and values of the Network
- Transparency
- Membership
The membership of the organisation shall subject to section 8 consists of the two classes and these are;
(i) Full members:
(i) National Organisations, networks, unions, and coalitions of women with disabilities
(ii) Sub-regional networks, organisations, unions, and coalitions of women with disabilities
(ii) Associate members:
(a) Individuals members -Women with and without disabilities fulfilling certain criteria such as:
(i) To bring special knowledge and or expertise
(ii) Experienced fundraisers able to support the network
(iii) Influential , strategically positioned persons
(iv) Specialists in particular fields and areas of interest such as, gender, microfinance, health, social work, community development, organisational development, research etc.
Application for membership
- Any organisation or institution or agency or individual person meeting the criteria in any of the specific membership category mentioned in section 7 may be admitted to the NAWWD membership upon application.
- All membership applications shall be submitted to the NAWWD Secretariat in terms of subsection (i) above
- Decisions on such applications will be determined by the executive committee at times appointed in terms of this constitution.
- The President shall ensure that the secretary keeps a well updated register of the members of the organisation.
- Privileges:
All members shall be entitled to the following privileges
(i) Entitled to attend meetings of the Network in terms of section 11.
(a) Full members shall be:
(i) Eligible to hold office in the network upon election in terms of this constitution
(ii) Entitled to vote at the meetings of the Association
- Associate members
- Are entitled to have one vote collectively
(ii) Each member organisation shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members,
(ii) The individual members will have together one vote
- Matters shall be submitted to a vote of the members after discussion at the meeting(s) of the members in terms of section 11 of the constitution.
- Termination and discipline of members
- All members shall conduct themselves in manner that does not damage the name and or repute of the organisation , any member found to be in contravention of this section by the committee voted into office in terms of section 11 shall be subject to inquiry and if found in contravention shall ;
- Subject to subsection (a) above and upon recommendation of the executive committee approved by a 2/3 resolution at the general meeting of the Association of the members present and voting on the grounds that such a member has conducted oneself in such a manner that adversely affected the reputation and the dignity of the Association or has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution.
- The executive committee shall have power to suspend a member from the association pending approval by the Association at the general meeting.
- Notwithstanding such suspension a member whose expulsion is proposed shall be given an opportunity to defend oneself at the meeting which is considering the expulsion.
- Any member wishing to terminate membership may do so by issuing a three (3) months notice to the Association in writing.
- Any member who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of subscriptions, enrolment fees or any part thereof, or any other sum of money contributed at any time.
- A member who falls into arrears with annual subscription for more than six months shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association and shall be deleted from the register of members kept in terms of section 8 (b)
- . The executive committee may, however, at its discretion reinstate such a member upon payment of the total amount of subscriptions outstanding.
- Cessation of membership under this clause shall not operate unless and until three reminders have been sent to the affected member by the secretariat
- Procedure for Voting for committee members.
(a)( i) For election of the Steering Committee, written ballots shall be delivered to each member entitled to vote in terms of section 9 , and 30 percent of the ballots must be returned to constitute a quorum.
- A matter shall be considered adopted if a majority of the members who vote in terms of subsection (i) approve it.
(b)(i) Participation in and execution of the NAWWD activities is not restricted to members. Other organisations and individuals in the areas affecting women in general and women with disabilities in particular may be allowed to any NAWWD thematic meetings, conferences, etc based on acceptance, invitation, etc.
(ii) Participation at such meeting, conferences etc, is expected from a wider circle than those given the right to vote from the network.
(iii) The secretary shall maintain a circulation of participation from the institutions in the thematic meetings and conferences and annual meetings.
(iv) A theme and a modus oparandi may be designed for a specific group of people, which are not members of the network.
- Membership fees
- All members are required to pay membership fees through the secretariat
- Membership fees are subject to change and are advised by the chairperson at each AGM and also by communication to members at the end of each financial year.
- All members are duty bound to Pay a registration and annual subscription fee immediately after the approval of their application
- Any member shall be expelled from the Association upon recommendation of the executive committee approved by a 2/3 resolution at the general meeting of the Association of the members present and voting on the grounds that such a member has conducted oneself in such a manner that adversely affected the reputation and the dignity of the Association or has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution.
- The executive committee shall have power to suspend a member from the association pending approval by the Association at the general meeting. Notwithstanding such suspension a member whose expulsion is proposed shall be given an opportunity to defend oneself at the meeting which is considering the expulsion.
- Any member wishing to terminate membership may do so by issuing a three (3) months notice to the Association in writing.
- Any member who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of subscriptions, enrolment fees or any part thereof, or any other sum of money contributed at any time.
- A member who falls into arrears with annual subscription for more than six months shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association and shall be deleted from the register of members.
(x) The executive committee may, however, at its discretion reinstate such a member upon payment of the total amount of subscriptions outstanding. Cessation of membership under this clause shall not operate unless and until three reminders have been sent to the affected
- The organization shall have four organisations and these shall be structured as follows;
- Assembly General
- Executive committee,
- Thematic working groups
- The Secretariat
- The NAWWD Assembly General is the highest organ and serves as a forum to provide ;
- overall policy and program guidance for the network,
- information sharing,
- expand knowledge on disability and development,
- Improve policies and practices, and to collaborate on disability advocacy and development cooperation.
- Assembly General shall comprise of the following representatives:
- Voting Members
- Non voting members
- Executive committee;
- Secretariat coordinator;
- Chairperson from each established thematic working groups and
- Observers (invited in terms of section15 (ii)
- The Assembly General shall meet at least once in two consecutive financial years.
- A notice of at least three months prior to the intended date shall be given ahead of an AGM notifying members and observers of the intended meeting by the secretariat.
- A meeting shall go ahead only if at least 2/3 of registered and active members are present and the secretary general who shall comprise the quorum
- All resolutions shall subject to section 8, 9 and 10 be decided by a simple majority of votes.
- The chairperson shall decide if a vote is needed, if the votes are equal, the chairperson’s vote shall be decisive.
- The Assembly General Meeting of the NAWWD shall be open to observers who may speak only upon invitation of the Chairperson and they have no right to vot
(b) The functions of the AGM shall include;
(i) Initially adopting and subsequently amending the NAWWD Constitution, regulations and policies;
(ii) Setting broad policy and providing guidance for effective implementation of the programs and service of the NAWWD
(iii) Setting broad operational priorities and thematic working group focus for the NAWWD activities.
(iv) To review the performance of the NAWWD and its activities to ensure better performance, quality and relevance of the network.
(v) Appointing members to the NAWWD executive committee and approving recruitment of coordinator(s) when necessary and if funds allow
(vi) Undertaking additional actions as appropriate, to promote the NAWWD and achievement of its vision, mission and objectives
- At the meetings , the assembly general through its secretariat shall ensure that ;
- There is sufficient language interpretation for all members including ( if requested by any member(s) )
(a) Sign language
(b) Documents in brail
(c) Large prints or electronic format
(ii) All languages of the organization are adhered to and these are; English, French and Portuguese.
- In all meetings English shall be used as the main communication language of the organization
- Executive committee:
- The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the executive committee to be elected at the annual meeting. (i)The executive committee shall consist of 11 members:
(b)(i) Chairperson
(ii) Vice Chairperson
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Vice Secretary
(v) Treasurer
(vi) Five (5) general members (each coming from a different region)
(vii) One (1) youth member
- Election of the executive committee shall be done only at the AGM and membership of this committee shall be confined only to members in terms of section 7 (i) and (ii)
- Procedure at election ;
- Each member in terms of section 7 (i) and (ii) referred to above will put forward the name of the representative of their organisation, three nominations will be called and adopted which will then be voted for.
- The chairperson shall decide the manner of the voting, however this should be restricted to only (i) secret ballot, (ii) voting by show of hands.
- The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the NAWWD shall be elected by the Assembly General Meeting and shall hold such leadership positions for three years subject to be re-elected for only one other term of three years.
- Half of the initial executive committee will be re-elected after two years to prevent the full executive leaving at the same time
- Members seeking election to the executive committee shall not be in arrears of the Associations’ annual subscription and shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-election for a maximum of two terms.
- The executive members will be comprised of the different regions of the continent.
- The chairperson shall ensure that there is a representative of each of the 5 regions (West Africa, North Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and Central Africa)
- Where any member is elected to the executive committee to fill in a vacancy caused by death, resignation or removal of a member of the committee, such a person shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office.
- A member of the executive committee shall be removed from office by failure to attend three meetings consecutively without reasonable grounds or by acts showing lack of discipline in the executive committee., the expulsion from the executive committee under this clause requires the support of two third (2/3) majority of those members deliberating on the said expulsion and shall be approved by the chairperson sitting with the vice chairperson and the secretary.
- The executive committee shall hold its regular meetings chaired by the chairperson and in absents vice chairperson once in six months on the date, time and place to be determined by the members of the committee either through a phone conference or through meetings in person.
- The committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees as may seem desirable.
- The executive committee shall authorise the expenditure of the Associations funds.
- Duties of the Executive committee:
(a)(i) The committee’s main responsibilities are;
- To promote NAWWD, management of the networks affairs,
- Strategic planning, identifying policies for monitoring purposes
- Ensuring the effective and efficient implementation, budgeting and reporting on the annual action plan.
- The committee will also be responsible for mobilizing country level organizations of women and children with disabilities,
- Mobilizing ideas and suggesting themes for meetings and conferences.
- It shall also vested with the task to allow new members and to exclude passive members or members that do not conform to NAWWD criteria.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of one member as the chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and six additional members.
(ii) Eligible to be nominated to the committee are only representatives of active members in the NAWWD network.
- (i) Should the office of the chair be vacated or the chair is not able to be present the vice chair will take on that office
(ii)Should the office of the vice-chair be vacated, the office shall be filled by another member of the Steering Committee elected by majority vote.
- Should the office of secretary or treasurer become vacant during the term of office, the chair shall appoint a successor or successors to serve for the unexpired term of the predecessor’s member(s).
- The terms of service for each member of the executive committee shall be three years, however 5 of the first elected executive committee members shall not exceed 2 calendar years to prevent the whole committee leaving at the same time. Thereafter elections will be after every three years of obtaining office.
- An Electoral Committee will be established through a due process of nomination by the elected representatives of the Women’s Network. Each member shall have one vote.
- The Electoral Committee shall consist of 5 members elected by simple majority.
- The Electoral Committee shall elect a chairperson and other officers deemed necessary from its own ranks by a simple majority.
- The Electoral Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to the nomination and election of Executive members and shall present the necessary information to the Annual General Meeting.
- Once the Electoral Committee has presented its work to the Annual General Meeting its work shall cease.
- Serving members of the Electoral Committee shall not be eligible for election to the Executive Committee during the same period that they serve on the Electoral Committee.
- (i) Each full member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members.
- Matters shall be submitted to a vote of the members after discussion at the meeting(s) of the members.
- Subject to section 11, for the election of the Steering Committee, written ballots shall be delivered to each member entitled to vote, and 30 percent of the ballots must be returned to constitute a quorum.
- Such returned ballots may be submitted electronically. A matter shall be considered if a majority of the members who vote approve it.
- Each of the 5 regions can have two representatives plus one youth representative.
- Duties of the Steering Committee shall be;
- Strategic planning and identifying what policies are needed for the coordinator’s core functions and for ensuring the effective and efficient implementation of the action plan.
- Mobilizing country level organisations of women with disabilities in line with the national action plan.
- Duties of the secretariat shall be;
- The secretary shall attend and keep a record of all meetings of the organization and of the Steering Committee and perform all duties customary to the office.
- The secretary shall, at least 30 days in advance of each meeting of the organization, write all members announcing the date and location of the meeting and provide each member of the organization with a copy of the program for the meeting.
- Perform any other duties assigned to the secretary by this constitution.
. Meetings and communication of the executive committee;
- The chair in collaboration with the coordinators shall be responsible for calling meetings of the Steering Committee.
- The executive Committee shall meet twice a year; once by telephone and ideally once in person.
- The time and place of such meeting shall be determined by the chair in consultation with the coordinators who shall give at least one month notice to all members and the communication shall be done in terms of section (j) above.
- All members shall be required to be in constant communication, pursuant to this all members will provide the coordinators an accessible e-mail address for the purpose of networking.
. Meetings and communication of the executive committee;
(i) All active members will respond within 5 days of receiving communication that requires their input feedback.
- Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members
- to lead, support, coordinate and supervising all activities
- To call for meetings and to represent the whole network in forums and organisation wherein the organisation is a member.
- take decisions in collaboration with the whole committee
- To facilitate and account for the smooth running of the organisation.
- to follow and monitor the activities of the network
- to report regularly to the President on activities monitored and general status of the organisation
- to replace President when not available to conduct business activities
(i) To report all activities of the network
(ii) To be responsible for administration by keeping all files and records
(iii) To maintain communication between the network members
(i) To collaborate with Secretary
(ii) To support the secretary where needed and take over her duties when not available
(i) To be responsible for the budget of the network
(ii) To be responsible for the financial documents of the network
- to be advisors to the group
- to be involved in the financial auditing for the network
- Secretariat and Sub-committees
- Secretariat
- when funds permit the NAWWD will set up its own secretariat which shall ;
- Provide administrative, technical and strategic support to the Executive Committee in fulfilling its role.
- The Secretariat Coordinator will report to the Executive Committee and will be charged with implementing all policies and procedure sanctioned by the executive committee , provided these are not contrary to its own mission
- the coordinator together with the executive committee shall facilitate the monitoring of progress as well as facilitate exchanges, collect, document and disseminate information provided by NAWWD members and the Secretariat
- The coordinator will disburse funds in accordance with activities in NAWWD Plan of Action , the funds will be disbursed only with prior authorization by the Executive Committee
- Withdrawals from all accounts of the organization shall require 2 signatures. The disbursed funds will be managed in terms of NAWWDs financial policy.
- Sub Committees
- In certain instances where the NAWWD through its executive anticipates the need for special consultation on specified thematic areas , committees will be formed to explore such areas
- The chairperson of the executive committee, with advice of the coordinator may appoint a sub-committee as desired and necessary for the fulfilment of the objectives and outputs of the network/organization.
- Such appointments shall terminate with the conclusion, realization of specific projects under specific thematic areas established in terms of this section.
- The Association shall derive its funds and income from annual and other fixed subscriptions by its members.
- The Association shall have power to accept from members and other persons donations, either in money or in kind, to its funds and property.
- The NAWWD shall have mandate to use lawful methods to raise funds.
- All the money and funds of the Association except for petty cash shall be deposited in a Bank approved by the executive committee not later than the second banking day after receipt.
- No payment shall be made out of the Bank account without a resolution of the executive committee, all cheques on such bank account shall be countersigned by two signatories who shall be designated by the executive committee provided that the said signatories shall be office bearers of the Association.
- The funds for the Association shall be used for the following purposes only:
- Postage, stationary supplies and any other office expenditure approved by the members for smooth running of the association affairs.
- Workshops and educational programs which may include meetings, lectures, seminars, film shows and exhibitions.
- Fund raising programs as may be approved by the committee members.
- Advocacy and Lobbying events
- Publications and research relevant to the Association.
- Other activities in line with the objectives of the organisation
- Amendments
- A recommendation for change in the constitution must bear the signature of ten or more active members
- Amendments to the constitution shall be made by written vote only and require the approval of two-thirds of the active members of the Network/Organization eligible to vote.
- Interim and Final Decisions on matters not provided for in this constitution
- The executive committee shall have final decision on any matter, which is not mentioned in this constitution , however the decision made under this section shall be subject to ratification or nullification by the Assembly General
- Books and Records
- The organization shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, including Board of Directors, and sub-committees.
- The organization shall keep record of the names and addresses of all members entitled to vote
- All books and records of the Network/Organization may be inspected by any member or her agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time
- For the avoidance of doubt all book shall be kept by the secretary who shall be tasked with recording and safe keeping all relevant books.
- Termination of the Organization
- NAWWD shall be dissolved by a resolution 75% (2/3) of the steering committee present and voting are in support of such dissolution
- The notice convening a meeting to discuss such resolution shall state that a motion to dissolve the network/organisation is to be put to the meeting
- The notice aforesaid shall be sent to all members per registered post and shall be posted at least one calendar month prior to the date of the meeting
- Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the host organisation of NAWWD;
- all assets remaining after the payment of all debts and obligations shall be distributed to a non-profit organisation or government instrumentality for;
(a) Charitable, scientific and/or educational purposes consistent with the aims and objectives of NAWWD set forth in section 6 of this Constitution
(ii) In the event of the dissolution of NAWWD, the Steering Committee meeting at which the resolution to dissolve is adopted, may;
- appoint a person to wind up the affairs of NAWWD in accordance with the provisions of this constitution
- direct that , the network coordinator provide the necessary lawful framework to ensure a smooth dissolution of the organisation
- if the afore mentioned is not possible , the responsibility to wind up will rest squarely on the coordinator
Last modified: 27 5 2015
This is great.Keep it up.